How to cancel a Vodacom Cellphone Contract in South Africa

Cancel a Vodacom cellphone contract by contacting the Vodacom Cancellation Department via phone or email from wherever you are even if you are overseas. To find out  the months remaining on your contract, you can call the Vodacom customer care number 082 111. Talk to an agent and they should be able to help you. To begin the cancellation process you can follow the process below.

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Vodacom Cellphone Contract Cancellation Process

  1. Call Vodacom Cancellation number 082 1958. or email
  2. Tell the person on the other end that you wish to cancel your contract with Vodacom.
  3. The customer care operator will give you quote of cancellation fee
  4. You will now need to pay this fee.
  5. After payment, your Vodacom contract with be cancelled.

Vodacom requires 20 days of written notice to cancel a contract early even though the process, though you can request the process to be complete in four to seven working days.

Vodacom charges a maximum cancellation fee of 75% which is determined by where a customer is in their contract.A quotation will be generated, and sent to the customer. The quotation includes monthly subscription costs as well as device fees multiplied by the number of months remaining on their contract. The customer will receive a standard 25% discount on their remaining subscription amount, in addition to the fees multiplied by the number of months remaining on their contract.

You can return a device bought on Vodacom Cellphone Contract within 7 days according to the National Credit Act.

When your cell phone contract expires, Vodacom will bill you a month to month, Vodacom will offer you a new contract. Should you agree to the terms, then you will get a new deal from Vodacom.